breeding cattery - british shorthair cats



Blood Group Result Codes:

N/N [A] = Cat is Type A or Type "AB"
N/b [A(b)] = Cat is a carrier of B factor; serotype could be Type A or Type "AB"
b/b [bb] = Cat is Type B

The genetic test for the cat blood group identifies the recessive b allele which is associated with the B serotype. Cats with two copies of the b allele have the Type B blood group. Cats with one copy of the b allele can also be distinguished. These cats can have blood group A or the rare blood group "AB".

Because the genetic test cannot distinguish between a Type A versus a Type "AB" cat, the non-b allele is reported as "N". The cat could have a Type A or Type AB serotype.

Coat Color Result Codes:

Agouti (banded hair or solid):
A/A = All offspring will have agouti banded hair.
A/a = Offspring can be agouti or non-agouti depending on the genetics of the mating.
a/a = Non-agouti. If bred to a non-agouti, only non-agouti offspring will be produced.

Brown (Chocolate and Cinnamon):
The Brown (tyrosinase-related protein-1, TYRP1) gene affects the amount of black (eumelanin) pigment produced. Mutations responsible for brown and cinnamon colors in the cat have been identified in this gene. The wild-type B allele produces normal, black coloration. The b allele produces the brown (chocolate) phenotype and the b1 allele produces a light brown or cinnamon phenotype. These form an "allelic series" with B dominant to b, and b dominant to b1.

B/B = Full color, cat does not carry brown or cinnamon alleles.
B/b = Full color, carrier of brown.
B/b1 = Full color, carrier of cinnamon.
b/b = Brown.
b/b1 = Brown, carrier of cinnamon.
b1/b1 = Cinnamon.

Colorpoint Restriction:
C/C = Full color, cat does not carry Burmese (sepia) or Siamese alleles.
C/c = Full color, cat carry Burmese (sepia) or Siamese alleles.

D/D = Full color. Cat does not have the dilute allele.
D/d = One copy of dilute allele. Cat is a carrier of dilute.
d/d = Two copies of dilute allele. Coat color is diluted.

The dilute gene (Melanophilin or MLPH) causes clumping and uneven distribution of pigment granules in the hair shaft, producing dilution of all coat colors. Dilute is an autosomal recessive trait which means that two copies of the dilute allele are needed to produce the phenotype. Black pigment is diluted to gray (blue is the term used by cat breeders), and red is diluted to cream. The wild type allele is non-dilute. Some cat breeds are fixed for the wild type, such as Egyptian Mau and Singapura, while others are fixed for dilute such as Chartreux, Korat and Russian Blue. Most other breeds have both wild type and dilute alleles.

PKD Result Codes:

N/P [positive] = Affected 1 copy of the PKD1 gene, cat has or will develop PKD. Severity of symptoms cannot be predicted.
N/N [negative] = Normal Does not possess the disease-causing PKD1 gene.

The disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, which means that a heterozygote (N/P) bred to a normal (N/N) will result in approximately half of the offspring being affected and half being normal. There are no observed homozygous affected (P/P), which suggests that the mutation is embryonic lethal.

The test indicates the presence or absence of the stop mutation in the feline PKD1 gene caused by a cytosine to adenine transversion. This mutation causes feline polycystic kidney disease (PKD), which is characterized by renal, hepatic and pancreatic cysts. This test has only been validated for Persians, Exotics, Himalayans, British Shorthairs and Persian first generation out-crosses.

Longhair Genetic codes:

N/N [LL] = Cat has short hair. None of the 4 long hair mutations detected. Cat cannot produce long-haired kittens.

N/M1, N/M2, N/M3 or N/M4 [LI] = Cat has short hair and carries one copy of a long hair mutation. Cat can produce short and long-haired kittens depending on genotype of the mate.

M1/M1, M2/M2, M3/M3 or M4/M4 [II] = Cat has long hair and will produce only long-haired kittens when bred to a long-haired mate.

M1/M2, M1/M3, M1/M4, M2/M3, M2/M4 or M3/M4 [II] = Cat has long hair and carries two different long hair mutations (compound heterozygote). Cat will produce only longhaired kittens when bred to other long-haired cats.